
 Meet Daisy! She was born around July 2012 and is a pure white, dwarf hybrid with the biggest eyes we've ever seen on a hamster!

She was adopted from a family who had to give her up due to their new baby and moving house. She's a lovely little thing and does a very cute dance which looks a bit like a jig where she stands on her hind legs, tap dancing and turning circles.
Her cage is a Ferplast Mini Duna, a good size for a dwarf hamster, which she seems to enjoy. She has been very spoilt with hanging chews, bed, big igloo, wooden tunnel, chews etc. She belongs to Lucy who has added a rainbow bridge (pictured), a jam jar, cardboard tubes and a few other bits and bobs.

She is quite easy to handle, although is a bit of a hisser at first, and absolutely gorgeous!! Talk about eye candy!

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