Sunday, 16 December 2012

Going Home For Christmas!

Yesterday we had the difficult task of taking the hamsters home with us for the Christmas holidays. Lucy had the worst trouble as she has six hamsters!! Two pairs of which aren't currently on speaking terms- so there were some interesting makeshift dividers put into the hamster carriers, in the hope they wouldn't be able to get to each other.
I have only heard good things about their journey so I imagine nothing untoward happened!!

My journey was a little squashed...

Milo and Patrick have carriers each but I haven't had time to get one for Pip so he had to stay in his cage. Although, when I looked at his cage (which is third or fourth hand), the extension was missing a level- this is what it looked like when I got him...

So he has the second yellow barred bit, but not the second orange level, and he's actually gained a little pod by getting rid of the second yellow bars. He now sleeps in there (the photo at the top of this post) and loves it!!

Anyway, he stayed in his cage and the other boys had carriers- which they were very good in. I really recommend these small pet carriers. Mine are the large size as I have syrians, although Lucy has the same size for her dwarfs.

They are now tucked up behind the table in my kitchen where I can keep an eye on them. Not an ideal place, and certainly not as posh as having their own room like before! But it is only for three weeks and with the rest of the family taking up all the space there is nowhere left to put them.

Hope your hammies are enjoying the run up to Christmas!!

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