Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Discarding The Igloo

For a while now I have been having problems with Milo's igloo bed (in the top right corner- I hasten to add this is NOT what his cage looks like now, he has many more toys and the wheel has been replaced with a flying saucer- this is just what it looked like when I first got him).
I find that when I come to get him out in the evenings, I sometimes have to take the lid off as he is quite a lazy little lad, and it is full of water!

His bedding will also be absolutely soaked and I am having to change it almost daily. Obviously this could end up being quite an expensive exercise plus it's not that nice for him as he has to make his bed every day! So this evening I decided enough was enough...the igloo was going to have to go!!!

I don't really want him to have an open nest as I am worried about him getting cold, and then I remembered! A family member was taken into hospital last week (not for anything serious) and was given one of those cardboard bowls in case of emergencies. Luckily we still had it lying around because I'd had a brain wave!!

They are the perfect shape for a roomy hamster haven! All you have to do is cut off the handles, snip in a door and punch some holes in the roof! This is even bigger than the igloo too so technically it is an upgrade.

Milo seemed quite keen when I introduced him to his new bed.

Of course, once you start making custom furniture for your fluffballs, any cardboard box in your recycling could be a potential place for hide and seek.
Feeling inspired, I went for a rummage and came across a box for our cat's food pouches which seemed perfect!

Just cut off the lid and the spiky bits...

Turn over, and voila!!

I popped this new toy into Pip's iMac Fantasy cage, it only just fit!! But I think he will enjoy playing in it.


I suppose it is slightly ironic that one of the hamsters is living in the cat's food box....but the cat doesn't seem to be at all bothered!!

Oh by the way- the hamsters and I would like to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Best wishes to you all for 2013.

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